Claman on Call: Global Stocks Rattle by Ruble
Huge swings for the U.S. stocks on Tuesday: the S&P 500 crossed the "unchanged" level 38 times, finally settling at session lows for the day. Global stocks were rattled early in the day following the Russian ruble's plunge to new lows, which followed an overnight interest rate hike by Russia's central bank.
Head to to see what George Friedman of Stratfor, who just came back from his trip to Moscow, had to say to FBN about how Russia's problems aren't likely to impact American banks in a significant way.
And oil's slide slamming oil-reliant economies like Venezuela and Russia. Just part of the reason U.S.-based energy company NRG is making a big push into alternatives like solar energy. Don't miss what NRG CEO and President David Crane told FBN about how the company plans to take on big-name competitors like SunPower and Solar City.
And the Sony hack scandal is taking a serious turn in the form of a terror threat -- the group claiming to be behind the leak is now warning Americans to stay away from movie theaters showing Sony's 'The Interview' film, and to "remember" Sept. 11, 2001. Former FBI investigator Bill Daly joined FBN and said that Sony's cyber attack is an extremely high-profile investigation that U.S. authorities are taking very seriously.
T-Mobile announced a new plan called Data Stash that allows customers to roll forward their un-used data for up to a year -- all part of T-Mobile's un-carrier plan. The company's CEO John Legere joined FBN on Tuesday, saying he thinks T-Mobile could soon become the nation's third largest carrier.
Now, here's what we're watching tomorrow: Day two of the FOMC meeting -- the Fed's statement and latest projections will come out at 2 p.m. ET, followed by Fed Chair Janet Yellen's press conference beginning at 2:30 p.m. ET.
Be sure to check out all of today's interviews on and tune into Countdown to the Closing Bell every week day at 3 p.m. ET.