As Hudson dredging winds down, EPA taking comments on plan to dismantle treatment facility
Federal regulators have released their plan for how General Electric will dismantle the facility that treats contaminated sediment from the Hudson River.
GE expects to finish its sixth and final year of river dredging this fall and has already begun winding down some operations at the nearby facility that treats PCB-contaminated sediment.
The plan released for comment Monday by the Environmental Protection Agency details how the dismantling of buildings and other infrastructure will proceed.
Advocates for additional dredging beyond the scope of the Superfund project worry that effort would become unrealistic once the treatment facility is dismantled. GE has said it is meeting the cleanup's goals.
Fairfield, Connecticut-based GE discharged polychlorinated biphenyls into the Hudson decades ago from two plants upriver
The EPA is accepting comment through Sept. 28.