5 Stats You Ought to Know if You're Pursuing a Healthcare Career

Whether you're new to the job market or are a seasoned professional in search of a career change, working in the healthcare industry could be a rewarding experience. Health eCareers recently put together some data on healthcare employment in 2017, and here are a few statistics you might find fascinating.

1. The healthcare job market is growing

With the future of healthcare in the U.S. being fairly uncertain, you'd think employers would be cutting back on jobs. But actually, the opposite is true. In 2016, 434,600 new jobs were added in the healthcare and social assistance sector. Meanwhile, healthcare employment averaged 24,000 new jobs per month for the first half of 2017.

2. A good 41% of healthcare workers got raises this year

It's not always the case that salaries go up year over year, but in 2017, more than 40% of healthcare workers got pay increases. Dentistry and technologist positions saw the biggest boosts this year, as did healthcare executives. Those who manage hospitals and medical facilities are making $158,637, on average, this year, which is an impressive 18% jump from the previous year.

Of those healthcare workers who saw a pay increase, 33% attribute it to a change in employer, while 21% claim they received merit-based raises. And 16% say that their companies mandated companywide increases. Surprisingly, just 3% of healthcare workers made more money in 2017 due to increased overtime.

Furthermore, only 12% of healthcare workers took a pay cut this year. The primary reasons? No bonus, or a lower bonus, for performance, and fewer hours on the job as mandated by employers.

3. Most healthcare workers consider themselves highly employable

Job confidence is a good thing to walk around with, so it's nice to see that 87% of healthcare workers are secure in their ability to find new positions within their field. And that's a good thing to know if your goal is to enter an industry with job security.

4. Temporary healthcare workers earn more per hour than permanent workers

You'd think that temporary employment would be less lucrative than attaining full-time status. But while temporary healthcare workers might lose out on certain workplace benefits, they tend to earn more per hour than permanent employees. Physician assistants, for example, make $77.98 per hour, on average, on a temporary basis. Full-time physician assistants make just $56.75.

5. Most healthcare employees are happy at work

It's an unfortunate statistic that over 50% of U.S. adults hate their jobs. So the fact that healthcare workers are mostly content is a refreshing change of attitude. A good 58% of healthcare workers are either happy or very happy with their current employment situation. Only 12%, meanwhile, are so unhappy that they want to change employers in the very near future.

If you're looking for a fast-growing career with a ton of long-term potential, it pays to consider a healthcare position. Of course, in many cases, you'll need some sort of extra schooling or certification to work in the healthcare industry, but if you're willing to make the investment, there's a good chance it'll more than pay for itself over time.

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