What's On Our Radar, January 27, 2017

Britain, Mexico and cupcakes, here’s whats On Our Radar today!
Another First
Trump wraps up his busy week with his first news conference with a foreign leader, British Prime Minister Theresa May. The two have a lot to talk about especially trade. May seems optimistic having said she looks forward to working with Trump because “opposites attract.”
Watch the news conference LIVE at 12pm ET during Cavuto Coast to Coast.
"Build The Wall"
Wait, so who’s paying for the Mexico border wall? After signing an exective order to kickstart the plan, many are wondering how Trump will cough up the cash. A border 20% border tax hullabaloo has been floated with certain lawmakers saying “well, that’s one option.” As the story develops check back at FOXBusiness.com for the very latest.
Check this out!

Yummy! Georgetown Cupcakes is an American success story. Now co-foudners, Katherine Kallinis Berman and Sophie Kallinis LaMontagne share their sweet story of success, recipe for growth and must-see cupcake cooking tips you don’t want to miss.
Tune in to our special Facebook LIVE at 9:30a et, right here.