Tweet Business of the Day: The BeezKneez


We’re highlighting “tweet” small businesses from around the country as nominated by you, our readers. If your favorite small business is using Twitter to communicate with customers, let us know about it @fbsmallbiz with the hashtag #mysbc, and it may be featured as an upcoming Small Business of the Day.

Tweet Business of the Day: The BeezKneez

Who: Valerie Guerrero, 39, @thebeez_kneez

What: A line of trendy invitations, announcements and stationary for different occasions

When: Guerrero began selling in 2008

How: Guerrero fell into her business venture accidentally while working as a graphic designer. A friend asked her to design a gag gift that she created through, a site that allows users to sell and design their own items. After sending the site to her friend, Guerrero forgot about it. Later she found out that people were buying her gag gift design through the Zazzle site, which got her thinking that maybe she stumbled upon something lucrative.

"I didn't realize that it was out there live, and that people could by it. I did more research during the 2008 election, where I designed some bumper stickers to sell. I thought I could make some gas money on this."

She made more than gas money. After working full time at her graphic design job and putting in hours developing her Zazzle store at night, Guerrero was able to quit her day job this past year. She said she is pulling in more money through the site than she was working at her old job.

Where: Silicon Valley, Calif

In her own words: "I have amassed so many products to sell at this point, it's kind of running itself."