Tips for a Competitive Resume
Unemployment rates may have fell in January to 9% from 9.4 % in December according to the Labor Department's report today, but the job market remains extremely competitive due to the recession.
Matthew Rothenberg, editor-in-chief of career Web, said no matter what kind of job you are applying for--or if the salary is $25,000 or $100,000-- the most important thing is to demonstrate your value to potential employers, and be specific. “Don’t divert your resume with what your goals are on an objective statement,” Rothenberg said. “Make yourself stand out and say ‘This is exactly how I bring value, and how much value I can bring,’ and back it up with numbers.”
Here are Rothenberg’s tips for brushing up your resume to stand out in the job market:
No. 1: Update your history. Being current should always be a priority, he said, and any and all new clients and companies need to have a spot on your resume. “Make sure in your history and summary section, these new ones are added,” he said. The more in-depth your resume is, the more successful you will be in the job race.
No. 2: Demonstrate your value with figures. “The more dollar and percentage signs you can get in it, the better,” Rothenberg said. If you have increased your own budget at a company, or are bringing in more revenue as part of a team, include the details for potential employers.
No. 3: Review your skills. Keeping your skills set current is important, and helps set you apart, Rothenberg said. “Make sure you update it often,” he said. “Are there any recent certifications you’ve received, or experiences you can add to it? Pick things that really demonstrate your skills.”