The 'Small' Business of Government
It's a tradition this time of year. And no, not barbecue, but the Federal Government breaking its annual promise to hire more small businesses to do the business of government. It's not a big goal--actually it's pretty modest. A little than a quarter. 23 percent of all contracts are suppose to be awarded to small businesses. According to the Small Business Association, the government got closer this year, 22.25 percent--BUT STILL MISSED THE GOAL! Oh, and it's not a goal. It's a law congress established the requirement and the government is basically breaking the law by failing to fulfill it. But who's surprised the federal government is a scofflaw? I'm not. Our government is big, bloated and NOT fulfilling, even in the most simple promises it made its people. And this on the eve of the 4th of July!
And, that's my two cents more!