The Recruiting Reel: Bad Recruiting Habits You Should Stop Right Now (With Elizabeth Becker)
We all have bad habits. For example, some of us��chew our nails, and some of us check our phones too many times in a day.
But when your hiring process suffers from counterproductive, harmful tendencies, it's time to make a change. This week, our featured expert, Elizabeth Becker, shares her insights on the topic of bad recruiting habits.
Elizabeth is the client partner at PROTECH, a full-service firm specializing in IT careers and consulting. She helps clients find and hire the best candidates while guiding job seekers to their dream jobs. With a background in marketing, writing, and social media and her lengthy tenure��in the recruiting industry, Elizabeth's��unique skill set makes her the perfect expert for this episode.
Click play to take a look at some of the worst habits recruiters have picked up, how those habits represent the company, and how they affect the job seeker. You'll even get to hear some��debunking of traditional recruiting advice! Don't miss these awesome solutions!
How are you changing your habits to improve your recruiting process? Share in the comments below!
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