Small Business of the Day: Ajax Union
We’re highlighting small businesses from around the country as nominated by you, our readers. If your favorite small business is using Twitter to communicate with customers, let us know about it @fbsmallbiz with the hashtag #mysbc, and it may be featured as an upcoming Small Business of the Day.
Small Business of the Day: Ajax Union
Who: Co-founder and CEO Joe Apfelbaum, 32, @ajaxunion
What: An online marketing company for small businesses
When: 2007
How: Apfelbaum was working in technology as a systems administrator and dabbled in marketing on the side. He and his co-founder and President Zevi Friedman recognized the need for small and medium-sized businesses to learn how to leverage the internet affordably. The services are offered on a month-to-month basis for clients—to make it more affordable for business owners.
"We figured out that we could actually educate them and show them what they can do themselves if they can't afford to continue with our services," he said.
Where: Brooklyn, N.Y.
In his own words: "We set you up with all of the different things you need to do as a business to succeed online. And, if you're not happy, you can keep everything [you learned] and do it yourself."