Really, Marketers? You’re Contriving Fall?

First came the Facebook post announcing that Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes are back. Then came the trip to the grocery store, where an array of apple choices greeted me.

Problem was, this was the day after Labor Day.

Really, marketers? Youre contriving fall for me?


I love the fall. I had, in fact, just spent a week at the beach post-Hurricane Irene leafing through the big, fat September issues of Vogue and Elle in eager preparation for updating my wardrobe for chillier, heartier times. You know, a month or so from now. Missoni designing for Target. Woohoo.

But then I went in Rite Aid to buy my parents an anniversary card and I was confronted with half an aisle of Halloween cards. I know this is how it works a la Hallmark. Christmas gives way to Valentines Day, et cetera, et cetera.

But it just added to a mood that made me ask pointedly -- People, whats the rush? How about letting things happen naturally? Maybe give us a week or two to breathe before were in the happy apple place? I will be joyfully eating macoun apples for weeks on end, but I can wait. Im a patient woman who prefers things be in their proper place and time.

That isnt to say I always exhibit orderly behavior. All of this got me thinking, in what other areas of our lives are we jumping the gun or forcing the issue?

A recent Huffington Post article by Sharon Brooks about how to tell if youre a desperate dater  touched on this in the first two signs it listed: Tries to rush the relationship instead of letting it progress naturally. Insists on doing couple like activities and meeting family members too soon. And, Has a sense of neediness and must feel liked and accepted quickly.

What if youre liked and accepted quickly, but its based on a surface read of who you really are? Is the rush to judgment worth it? Conjuring up and constructing a dream scenario is not the same as actually living one.

It brings to mind a life coaching client who, once we had established her goals, wanted to jump past the planning stages and plunge into action in both career and health areas. I applauded her enthusiasm and energy, but before even establishing the what and the how of moving forward, she was ready to do. What I suggest in those scenarios is giving the client a taste of both planning and doing simultaneously.

For example, if someone is looking for a new job and they start the search before they have an updated and polished resume, is that the end of the world? No. In a given week, we can work on the resume and set an action to perhaps find three positions that interest them. But if one of those inquiries gets a bite and there is a request for a resume, the client will have to scramble. Thats less than desirable.

As for her health goal of becoming more fit, the same idea applies. Theres nothing wrong with eating healthier and/or exercising right out of the gate, but what is the strategy? If A is where she is now, and B is where she wants to be (the goal ) then what is C, the means to get there? Maybe its about incorporating more vegetables into her daily diet or taking the stairs more frequently, but those are still actions that should be part of a larger plan.

Jumping the gun doesnt let us breathe. It doesnt let our goals breathe. It doesnt let our bodies breathe. It saps us and often thwarts our efforts.

A really visual example of forcing things is the false start in football. Its such a frustrating moment in a game. A player who over anticipates winds up jeopardizing an entire play. Its not like a dropped ball or an over-zealous tackle because its all about discipline and rhythm. Just waiting that split second could have resulted in a better outcome.

Maybe thats a lot to get out of the jump on fall by marketers, but I am a big believer in taking our time and letting things be organic where possible.

Funny thing is, I ran out and got a pumpkin spice latte the day after Labor Day. Im not all that strong.

But Im holding steady on the apples for at least another week.

Nancy Colasurdo is a practicing life coach and freelance writer. Her Web site is and you can follow her on Twitter @nancola. Please direct all questions/comments to