Need Goldfish? Nerf Darts? Amazon Adds Dozens of New Dash Buttons

Believe it or not, Amazon's Dash Button idea is working out.

The online retail giant says Dash Button orders have grown 70 percent over the last three months, and it's now seeing two orders every minute from the little devices, which let you re-order things you always use — like paper towels, laundry detergent, coffee, and water — with a simple press.

Given this success, Amazon is, naturally, expanding its lineup of Dash Buttons today with more than 50 new additions along with two new button categories: toys and musical equipment. New additions include: Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, Nerf, Mentos, Play-DOH, FIJI Water, Clif Bar, Campbell's Soup, Cascade, Dial Liquid Hand Soap, Trident, Lavazza, V8 Vegetable Juice, Puffs, Quilted Northern, and Hubert's Lemonade.

"With Dash Button, customers don't have to worry about running out of everyday essentials whether that's guitar strings for musicians or Nerf darts and PLAY-DOH for kids," Amazon said.

With these new additions, Prime members now have more than 150 Dash Buttons to choose from, up from 29 in 2015. Each button will set you back $4.99, but they're essentially free as Amazon will give you the fiver back after your first button purchase.

Don't worry about junior stocking up on Nerf darts without your knowledge. Each time you press an Amazon Dash button, an alert is sent to your phone, where you can confirm or reject the order.

Meanwhile, Amazon also today announced some handy new features for Alexa, the cloud-based voice service that powers its Echo speakers. The company has "completely redesigned" the skills section of the Alexa app to help you more easily discover what Alexa can do. You can now browse skills by categories such as "Smart Home" and "Lifestyle," as well as apply additional search filters, and easily access previously enabled skills via the "Your Skills" section.

Plus, you can now enable an Alexa skill with just your voice — simply say "Alexa, enable Jeopardy!" or "Alexa, enable NBC News," for instance, rather than adding it within the app.

Amazon says that "tens of thousands of developers" are building skills for Alexa. The voice assistant now boasts more than 1,400 skills, including the ability to hail you a ride with Lyft, a feature that just went live today, track your flight, add events to your Google calendar, dim your lights, keep tabs on your fitness, and pay your bills.

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