Mobile-Phone Etiquette is Getting Worse: Poll
Whether is it texting during dinner, talking on a cellphone in a public restroom or using a laptop while driving, most people think mobile etiquette is getting worse, not better.
Ninety one percent of U.S. adults questioned in a new poll by computer innovation company Intel said they have seen people misuse technology, and three quarters think mobile manners have decreased in the past year.
"New digital technologies are becoming a mainstay in consumers' lives, but we haven't worked out for ourselves, our families, communities and societies what all the right kinds of behaviors and expectations will be," said Genevieve Bell, the head of interaction and experience research at Intel.
The poll of 2,000 adults revealed that most U.S. adults wished people practiced better mobile etiquette and found the lack of cellphone manners extremely annoying, even though about 20% admitted to poor etiquette themselves.
Nearly 75% said the lack of mobile manners has created a new form of public rage and 65% admitted they became angry around people who misused mobile devices.
The most annoying behaviors were the use of mobile devices during driving, followed by talking on a cellphone loudly in a public place and walking in the street while texting or talking on the phone.
People reported seeing, on average five mobile offenses every day, according to the poll. Nearly a quarter said they had even seen someone using a laptop while driving, and one in five said they checked their mobile devices before getting out of bed in the morning.