Is Trump Really ‘Surging’ in the Polls?

Standing before an estimated crowd of 20,000 people at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas, GOP front-runner Donald Trump bragged about his poll numbers on Monday night.
“We are killing it, we are killing it,” said Trump adding “I’m surging!”
According to the latest Monmouth University poll out Monday, 28% of likely GOP primary voters in New Hampshire back Donald Trump for the presidential nomination while Ben Carson’s support has jumped by 12 percentage points to 17%. In another poll from the Washington Post/ABC, Trump also ranked number one with 33% support from registered Republicans and right-leaning independents. That is a 9% increase since mid-July. Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson is in second place at 20%, a 14 point jump.
However, all polls are not created equal.
All numbers point to Trump’s continued reign at the top of the GOP pack but Carson’s steady growth of supporters could pose a threat to the billionaire. On Tuesday, a GOP poll released by CBS/New York Times showed Mr. Trump up by 3 percentage points from July to 27% while Dr. Carson’s number grew to 23%, a 17% increase. It’s not game over just yet for other GOP candidates. The poll also surveyed Republican voters about their choice for 2016, 63% said it is still too early to tell, while 37% said they have already made up their minds. The poll was conducted from September 9-13, the margin of error is plus or minus 6 points.