HR for Trump? How the Industry Feels About Election Season 2016:

First things first: Sorry about that clickbait. I just couldn't resist. The good news is, there's no reason to believe the HR industry is overwhelmingly pro-Trump.

There is, however, reason to believe that most HR pros want to see a republican take��the White House this November. (Whether that's good or bad news depends on your own personal political leanings.)

This is according to a recent survey from recruitment marketplace Scout Exchange, in which the organization asked��more than 20,000 HR professionals about the��impact they believe��the presidential election will have on the human resources field.

In Scout's survey, 49 percent of respondents said��a GOP win would be most beneficial for HR, 25 percent said the Democrats would be most beneficial, and 26 percent said they were unsure which party has HR's best interests at heart.

For Scout Exchange President Sean Bisceglia, this isn't very surprising news: "While it's not a hard-and-fast rule that all republicans are conservatives, the likelihood is high. By the nature of their jobs, HR professionals usually take a conservative approach to problem solving, being 'politically correct,' and playing by the rules."

HR's conservative mindset may play a role in the industry's��unfavorable view of President Obama. According to Scout's survey, 55 percent of HR pros feel Obama's policies have had a negative impact on their jobs.

"Part of a conservative mindset is often the 'if it's not broke, don't fix it' mentality," Bisceglia says. "Government intervention ��� especially around healthcare reform ��� elicited strong reactions to the question about Obama's time in office. At the forefront, health care reform has a direct impact on HR professionals. Employees with responsibilities in this area felt the impact, as they had to build new processes, align to reform measures, and in some cases, act as educators, advocates, or counselors."

But this is not to say that the Democrats get absolutely no love from HR. According to Bisceglia, the Democratic Party often appeals to those HR professionals who work in benefits administration, thanks to the party's support for "universal solutions" to problems like sick leave and parental leave.

"Many benefits administrators currently have to manage policies for sick leave on a state or city level," Bisceglia says. "However, having a universal policy, as the Democratic Party would promote, would create structure, efficiency, and ��� perhaps ��� improved fairness."

When asked about the issues weighing on them most heavily this election season, HR pros cited health care reform compliance, minimum wage increases, and equal pay as their main concerns. Noticeably missing from this list is education, which Bisceglia says he expected HR pros to care deeply about, given current skills gaps.

"HR professionals continually tell us that there is a lack of qualified candidates to meet job requirements, particularly with STEM skills," Bisceglia says. "Given this challenge, fewer talent acquisition leaders cited [education]��as a problem than we would have expected."

For the full results of Scout's survey, check out the infographic below:


