How to Get the Job Before You’re Even Hired

If you've made it as far as getting to the interview stage, you don't want to blow it. Throughout my tenure in the recruiting industry, I have been a silent observer on many interviews. Let me tell you one piece of helpful advice: Do not say that you are ready to start immediately.

Everybody says that! (Believe me I know.) Instead, show them you are ready to start before they even hire you.

So how exactly do you show them?

Research the company from top to bottom; know who the executives are and call out a few of their names in passing.

Mention what the company is doing now and how you think they will succeed or fail in what they are doing. Moreover, suggest a strategy of how they could proceed and detail how you would facilitate that change.

Listen carefully to what they want and in a follow-up email (of course, after the interview), reiterate the points they made and how you can make their dreams a reality.

Let me give you an example of this…

I used to work for MCI in a newly formed startup division within Human Resources focused on Internet Research. My resume was one of several to be considered for the position, so I did something to put the odds in my favor. As the job opening was a newly created position, the requirements were not wholly stated, but I did know that I would be used to source talent for their various facilities nationwide.

So what did I do?

I looked on their webpage, saw their openings, figured out how to source resumes on the Internet then, I sent them to my future boss. She was impressed and I got the job. The difference between the others and myself was that they came ready to work and I arrived already working.

Want to go a step further and really impress your future employer?

Create a plan detailing what you plan on accomplishing in the first 100 days of employment! Make sure that you hit every immediate need that touches your position then, forecast what will be required beyond that and address those issues in your strategy. End your report with questions like:

“What additional milestones would have to be met to earn a promotion or performance bonus?”

“Who do you recommend I partner with to meet the objectives I detail in my plan?”

“How could I better align my goals to meet the overall objectives of the company?”If you go through the time and trouble to perform all of the above, more often than not, you will greatly impress the company. So much so, chances are if you are not hired for the job you applied for, they may create a role for you.

Good luck with your job search!

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