How Does Your State Rank for Retirement?
Bankrate ranked all 50 states according to their cost of living, crime rate (violence and property crimes), health care quality, state and local tax burden, personal well-being and weather. The overall ranks of 1 to 50 go from best to worst. Below is the data we selected to come up with our state rankings for retirement.
See how your state ranked in 2013.
*Scores taken from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. The higher the score, the better the general satisfaction of residents with their surroundings.
**Scores from the Council for Community and Economic Research. The higher the score, the more expensive the state.
***Health care scores came from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The higher the score, the better the health care quality.
****Delaware's sunshine was approximated by combining the average of Maryland and New Jersey.
Sources: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Healthways; the Council for Community and Economic Research; the FBI; the Tax Foundation; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Copyright 2014, Bankrate Inc.