Getting Smart With Advanced Recruit Analytics

Many modern-day recruiters are responsible for more than just hiring. It isn't enough to simply fill as many job openings as possible with the most talented candidates. Recruiters now have to simultaneously think like recruiters, marketers, and salespeople if they want to be – and stay – competitive.

From maintaining a social media presence to utilizing an ATS and working remotely on their mobile devices, recruiters have to stay updated and in sync with their data at all times.

With so much data to keep a track of and so little time to analyze it all, it'd be a lot easier for recruiters if someone else could analyze the data for them and distill it all down to the insights they needed to no.

At Zoho, we're trying to help. That's why we created Advanced Recruit Analytics, which allows recruiters to access their data and create custom reports.

Excel sheets are great at doing one thing: displaying your data. But they don't give you any analysis or help you make any decisions. Advanced Recruit Analytics takes your data and interprets it for you.

So what kind of reports can recruiters use to automatically improve their recruiting games? Here are a few examples:

1. Team Performance Reports

Recruiting administrators can use this type of report to see who the top performers are on their teams. That way, they can reward their high-fliers and motivate/coach those recruiters who need a little help.

2. Client Activity Trends

This report gives recruiters the number of activities processed by their clients as part of the recruitment process. Now, recruiters can see and analyze which clients have been proactively processing pending candidate approvals, updating new job openings, and communicating other recruitment tasks. After identifying these clients, recruiters can create strategies to shorten interval times and speed up the hiring process.

3. Source Efficiency Reports

It's important to know where your candidates come from. This report helps recruiters see which channels delivers the most candidates. That way, they can invest in effective media and divest from ineffective ones.

4. Job Opening Status Reports

This report gives recruiters a look at the number of job openings during the first week of the month, the number of positions filled, and the number of positions pending every month. Comparing current data from these reports with reports from the last couple of months will help recruiters identify important trends in their operations.

5. Client Submission Reports

This report helps recruiters analyze the clients' rates of candidate approval and rejection. It lists candidates associated with each client, along with the candidates' statuses in the interview process.

6. Top Five Job Openings Reports

This report shows recruiters the top five most popular job openings in their companies, depending on the number of activities performed. Insights like these are significant because they help recruiters gauge demand and plan their strategies in advance.

There are many other reports that can help recruiters as well, including current recruitment status reports, hiring status reports, and candidate registration status reports.

From making critical decisions and understanding the development curve of their business to keeping track of their team's performance, recruiters can craft the perfect strategies with just a click, as long as they have access to the right analytics and the right reports – like those available through Advanced Recruit Analytics.

A version of this article originally appeared on the Zoho blog.

Kruthi Gonwar is a writer with Zoho Recruit.