FOX's Brenda Buttner Passes Away

Fox News and FOX Business Network host/correspondent Brenda Buttner passed away Monday after a fearless battle with cancer.

Longtime friend and colleague Neil Cavuto, managing editor and anchor for both Fox News Channel (FNC) and FOX Business Network, delivered a heartfelt tribute to Buttner, describing her as “incredibly brave.”

Cavuto said “She took stock of life much more than any stock in life. It’s what’s separated her from everyone else in this business, not just dollars, you see Brenda had depth. It seems fitting that Brenda was among the very first to put a kind female face to this once staid old male bastion of business.”

He also recounted her love of animals and how Buttner checked in on him as he recuperated from heart surgery last summer.

Buttner has been a valued member of the Fox News community since 2000. She most recently served as a senior business correspondent for the network and as a host of FNC’s “Bulls and Bears.” Before Fox, Buttner worked as CNBC’s Washington correspondent and as host of “The Money Club.”

Buttner, who graduated with honors from Harvard University and was also a Rhodes Scholar, received multiple awards throughout her career, including the Cable Ace Award for Best Business Programming (1996) and the National Clarion Award for Best News Story (1990).

On Monday, tributes to Buttner flooded social media from Fox colleagues and fans alike.

Buttner was 55 years old and is survived by her two daughters.