Dr. Carson: I Don’t Remember if Westmoreland Made Me an Offer
During an interview with the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Republican Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson fired back following the media firestorm created over his West Point scholarship claims.
Although Dr. Carson doesn’t remember every detail of that day, he claims to have “encountered many people” who received the same offer and are willing to talk about it.
“I don’t remember if I was with him [Westmoreland] when the offer came. The offer was not, as I recall from him, but there were multiple other officers around. There were several things that I was invited to because of my status as the City Executive Officer and General Westmoreland was at one of them… Honestly it [was] 45 to 50 years ago so I can’t remember every single detail about it,” he said.
Ahead of the Tuesday’s debate hosted by the FOX Business Network and the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Carson shared his plan to stimulate job creation.
“The first things I would do, first of all, to jumpstart the economy is, recognize that overseas we have over 2.1 trillion dollars in American cash that will not come back with the kind of corporate tax rates we have. I would declare a holiday on that tax… so we can repatriate that money and the only stipulation being that ten percent of it be used on enterprise owners to create jobs for people who are unemployed or on welfare,” he said.
He also explained why a flat tax plan would create proportionality and how he would trim “government fat.”
“We have 4.1 million federal employees… and thousands of them retire each year. So by the process of attrition allow that number to come down over the course of a few years… We have 645 federal agencies and sub agencies -- every single one of which has fat in it. Trim that by two or three percent, you’ve got a lot of savings there and applying things like Lean Six Sigma to each one of those agencies so that we begin to save instead of wasting the taxpayers money,” he said.
FOX Business Network and the Wall Street Journal will present two Republican presidential primary debates in conjunction with the Republican National Committee (RNC) on November 10, 2015. The debates will focus on the economy and be presented live from the Milwaukee Theatre in Milwaukee, WI, on FBN and FOXBusiness.com. Debate coverage begins at 7PM ET.