Clean It Up! Why Office Clutter Is Bad for Business

When you're running a business, taking the time to get organized may seem like a luxury you simply can't afford. You may put it off, telling yourself that you have other, more important things to get done, or that it's too overwhelming and you don't know where to begin. But working in and around clutter could be hurting your business more than you realize.

"Business owners take the short-term view of, 'How am I going to get this workspace organized?'" said Donna David, founder of organization consulting firm Donna David and Co. "Being disorganized costs you time and money. Employees can spend hours looking for things in their office and on their computer."

David offered the following tips to help you start getting organized and, in turn, improve your productivity and time management: [7 Easy Ways to Be More Productive]

  • Establish a filing system for documents, and keep only what is necessary. For paper filing, sort by category, and color-code the folders. Apply the same rules for your computer: Set up specific folders, and color-code when possible.
  • Use technology to help clear the clutter. Scan your documents, and store locally and in the cloud so you can shred most originals. Use CamCard or CardMunch to eliminate your stack of business cards. File receipts, expense reports and more with NeatReceipts.
  • Clear your desk before you leave the office each night to make the next day less stressful.   

To encourage your team to clear their clutter, David recommended scheduling an office-wide time devoted to organization.

"Block out an afternoon in your calendar for you and all of your employees," she said. "Order lunch and make it a fun activity."

Originally published on BusinessNewsDaily.