Car Insurance for 4.1 Cents a Mile

When it comes to cars, it's usually better not to do the math.

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Adding up your gas bill, then dividing by your mileage, might give you a shock: At $4 a gallon and 20 mpg, that's 20 cents per mile. Do the same with your car payment and your car insurance bill and you may find you are leaving a trail of dollar bills in your wake.

But suppose you've already done the math and were shocked enough to park the family Camry in favor of a bus pass. You've still got the car payment, but you are saving a bundle on gas.

It's possible your car insurance bill has gone down as well. Did you call your insurer? Most insurance companies will put you in a lower risk category when mileage falls beneath a certain threshold -- after all, the less time you spend behind the wheel, the less the risk that you'll hit something.

The typical low-mileage discountusage-based discounts

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