Bringing Success to Women for More than 15 Years
We’re highlighting small businesses from around the country as nominated by you, our readers. If your favorite small business is using Twitter to communicate with customers, let us know about it @fbsmallbiz with the hashtag #mysbc, and it may be featured as an upcoming Small Business Spotlight.
Small Business Spotlight:
Who: Dr. Stacia Pierce, @lifecoach2women
What: Motivational speaker and entrepreneurial coach
Where: Orlando, Fla.
When: 2002
How: Pierce got the idea to start a coaching business after hosting an international women’s success conference for 15 years. She said she would receive letters from women who attended her conference, looking for more insight.
“This was before Twitter and Facebook—they would hand-write me and say, ‘This conference was so good, but I need coaching. Can you help me?’” Pierce said.
As technology evolved, she launched her Website, and became a full-fledged coach. Today she personally coaches more than 100 women.
Quote from the owner: “People want answers,” she said. “They need to know what they can do with their ideas.”