All- Natural Cookies from a Former Wall Streeter
We’re highlighting small businesses from around the country as nominated by you, our readers. If your favorite small business is using Twitter to communicate with customers, let us know about it @fbsmallbiz with the hashtag #mysbc, and it may be featured as an upcoming Small Business Spotlight.
Small Business Spotlight: Sweet Andy’s Cookies
Who: Andrew Terry @SweetAndyCookie
What: All-natural cookies
When: 2010
Where: West Hampton Beach, LI
How: Terry previously worked as a financial adviser on Wall Street, prior to the financial collapse. Post- 2009, he felt disillusioned with the industry, despite the enjoyment he got from working with his clients.
“I realized it was harder and harder to do the right thing by my clients,” he said. “I wanted to write a guide to help clients protect themselves and not be taken advantage of by brokers and big companies.”
He left his Wall Street job to do just that, but quickly learned profiting off a book wouldn’t be so simple. As an outlet and thank-you to friends and family who were helping his family of five children and stay-at-home wife, Terry started making cookies. He used his research background to find the best recipies and combinations. From there, local delis and stores picked up the cookies, and his business was born.
Quote from the owner: “I did RND on cookies until I got it right,” he said.