Airbus voices concern about 'hard Brexit'

Planemaker Airbus expressed concern on Wednesday about the prospect of a clean break between Britain and the European Union under what has been dubbed "hard Brexit".
"We are watching with a great deal of attention and even some concern what is being said about a 'hard Brexit'," Marwan Lahoud, executive vice-president for international, strategy and public affairs, told a French parliamentary committee hearing.
He did not say what comments he was reacting to.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday Britain would quit the EU single market and end full membership of the bloc's customs union when it leaves the European Union, following last year's referendum.
Airbus makes wings for all its jetliners in the UK. The France-based company campaigned against Britain leaving the EU ahead of the UK vote, but has said it would not make abrupt changes to its operations there due to long product cycles.
(Reporting by Tim Hepher, Editing by Dominique Vidalon)