4 to Watch: Can House Flippers Still Profit?

1. Still opportunities for house flippers?

If you’re looking to flip a good find, there are strategies to minimize your risk. In this environment, Gorilla Capital CEO John Helmick says there’s still a market for fixing and flipping homes. Trulia Real Estate expert Michael Corbet says it’s best to look for markets that are “late to the party”: markets that hit bottom and are just starting to improve. Helmick says if you can put in $30,000 and raise the selling price by $60,000, you’ll be successful, no matter what the surrounding market looks like.

2. A card-less ATM machine?

More than a million U.S. consumers had their identity stolen last year, and Javelin Strategy market researcher Daniel Van Dyke says a new app will allow consumers to get cash from an ATM – no card necessary.Van Dyke says consumers can pre-order cash from the mobile app, and then use a special QR code at the ATM, which may be safer than the traditional method.

3. Republicans opposed to repeal of sequester?

Rep. John Campbell, (R-Calif.) says negotiations are ongoing in the Senate, but he doesn’t understand why pushing off the debt ceiling debate until January makes any sense, when legislators can’t come to an agreement right now.

4. Can the elusive grand bargain be achieved?

Rep. Ted Yoho, (R-Fla.) says not raising the debt ceiling isn’t an automatic path to default. He says we need to look more at spending and growing revenue – not raising the debt ceiling any further. Rep. Yoho says we need to look at reforming social programs so they can endure as a sustainable safety net for Americans who need them.