About tillys inc - TLYS
Tilly's, Inc. engages in the retail of casual apparel, footwear, and accessories. Its stores are located in retail centers, including malls, lifestyle centers, power centers, community centers, outlet centers, and street-front locations. The company was founded by Hezy Shaked and Tilly Levine in 1982 and is headquartered in Irvine, CA.
TLYS At a Glance
Tilly's, Inc.
10 Whatney
Irvine, California 92618
Phone | 1-949-609-5599 | Revenue | 623.08M | |
Industry | Apparel/Footwear Retail | Net Income | -34,492,000.00 | |
Sector | Retail Trade | Employees | 6,048 | |
Fiscal Year-end | 01 / 2025 | |||
View SEC Filings |
TLYS Valuation
P/E Current | N/A |
P/E Ratio (with extraordinary items) | N/A |
P/E Ratio (without extraordinary items) | N/A |
Price to Sales Ratio | 0.36 |
Price to Book Ratio | 1.558 |
Price to Cash Flow Ratio | N/A |
Enterprise Value to EBITDA | -24.529 |
Enterprise Value to Sales | 0.579 |
Total Debt to Enterprise Value | 0.642 |
TLYS Efficiency
Revenue/Employee | 103,022.983 |
Income Per Employee | -5,703.042 |
Receivables Turnover | 104.773 |
Total Asset Turnover | 1.213 |
TLYS Liquidity
Current Ratio | 1.684 |
Quick Ratio | 1.08 |
Cash Ratio | 0.909 |
TLYS Profitability
Gross Margin | 26.587 |
Operating Margin | -4.422 |
Pretax Margin | -4.138 |
Net Margin | -5.536 |
Return on Assets | -6.717 |
Return on Equity | -21.446 |
Return on Total Capital | -9.162 |
Return on Invested Capital | -9.972 |
TLYS Capital Structure
Total Debt to Total Equity | 159.862 |
Total Debt to Total Capital | 61.518 |
Total Debt to Total Assets | 47.385 |
Long-Term Debt to Equity | 124.111 |
Long-Term Debt to Total Capital | 47.76 |