FOX Business Exclusive: Cash for Slackers, a Three-Part Series


Elizabeth MacDonald takes a deep look into cases at the Federal Labor Relations Authority which reveal a nasty secret about the great lengths federal unions are taking to protect government slackers at the public's expense.

Exclusive: Cash for Slackers

First of a Three-Part Series

Wouldn’t you like to have a job where you get paid to slack off, and no matter what, have a powerful authority to back you up, winning battles to preserve your salary, benefits, and your every demand if your boss tries to fire you?

Click here for full story.

Exclusive: Cash for Slackers, Part II

Second of a Three-Part Series

It’s been a point of controversy that federal workers are working full time not on the job taxpayers pay them to do, but on union business.

Click here for full story.

Exclusive: Cash for Slackers, Part III

Last of a Three-Part Series

It would be reasonable to think that immediately stopping terrorists and foreign spies from breaking into government computers would be an urgent concern for all federal workers at places like the Dept. of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement.

Think again.

Click here for full story.