Democrats think socialism is a European fantasyland: Kennedy

The economy is expanding, we are close to full employment and people's 401(k)s are making money. Capitalism is the best, right? Well, yes. Obviously. But according to a new Gallup poll, the very young and the very left have a more favorable opinion of socialism than capitalism. Among Democrats, 57 percent positively view socialism, while only 47 percent see capitalism in a glowing light.

First let me say this: if you want government to have control over your means of production -- your finances, reproduction, health care and what and who you put in your body -- by all means hand your assets over to Uncle Same. If you want your wealth redistributed, and you're too incompetent to pick a charity, then sign a big, fat check to the IRS. You can do it, they'll cash it with a smile and give Lois Lerner her share every month.

Whenever people crush on communism, they think they're talking about some hot Scandinavian fantasyland, but even the prime minister of Denmark, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, said, "I would like to make one thing clear: Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy!" Well that puts a hole in that Danish!

Between 1990 and 2010, in that 20-year period alone, thanks to capitalism a billion people were lifted out of extreme poverty. Bottom line, when economies grow, people live!

Republican failure to pass an alternative to ObamaCare is driving this jiggery pokery, and the health care uncertainty in this country, brought on by Democrats and exacerbated by Republicans, is the only thing leading otherwise rational freedom lovers into the arms of that commie cult leader Bernie Sanders.

I would say go ahead and indulge your immature little experiment if the laboratory didn't breed such awful consequences. In free-market economies, people live and thrive. With real socialism, people really die. Ask the 100 million victims of socialism in the 20th century how they fared under Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot. You can't because they're really dead.

Lisa Kennedy Montgomery (Kennedy) joined FOX Business Network (FBN) as a contributor in 2012 and is the host of the primetime program, Kennedy, which airs Monday through Thursday at 8PM/ET on the Fox Business Network.