Report: New Bill Gross-run Fund Attracts $66.4M in September

Investors moved $66.4 million into the new bond fund managed by Bill Gross at Janus Capital Group (NYSE:JNS) in September, according to data released Wednesday by fund research firm Morningstar Inc.
Most of the inflows for the month likely came in the two business days after Mr. Gross's surprise departure from Pacific Investment Management Co. on Sept. 26.
The Janus Unconstrained Bond fund's assets under management swelled from about $13 million at the end of August to $79.1 million, according to Morningstar.
While that represents a more than 500% increase in the fund's assets in a short period, it's far less than the net $23.5 billion that investors pulled in September from Mr. Gross's former Total Return fund at Pimco.
A spokesman for Janus didn't immediately return a request for comment.