Federal report says Vermont spends more on gasoline, health care than national average

A report by the federal government says Vermonters spend more than the average American on food, gasoline and health care, but about average on housing and utilities.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis on Thursday released a report comparing the personal consumption expenditures of the 50 states. The report found Vermont's per capita personal consumption expenditure for 2012 was $39,677.

The report said Vermonters spent $2,262 on gasoline and other energy goods, second in New England to Maine's $2,373 per capita.

Vermont had the second highest per-capita health care spending in New England at $7,293 behind Massachusetts' $8,816. The national average is $5,886.

Vermont's per person spending increased 13 percent from 2009 when the recession ended, to 2012. It was the strongest pace in the region.