Correction: Trump-International Students-Data story
In a chart accompanying a May 3 story about declining international applications to U.S. universities, The Associated Press reported erroneous data for Michigan State University. It had 7,848 international freshmen applications in 2016, not 724. It had 8,497 international applications in 2017, not 692. The resulting change was 8.27 percent, not -4.42 percent.
Also, the percent change for the University of Michigan was 4.20, not 0.04. And the University of Washington's percent change was -4.81, not -0.05.
A corrected version of the chart is below:
There is evidence that enrollment figures among international students at some U.S. colleges and universities could drop next fall, and some experts and college officials blame President Donald Trump's stance on immigration and the perception of a nation that is becoming less friendly to foreigners. Nearly half the nation's 25 largest public universities saw undergraduate applications from abroad fall or stagnate since last year, according to data colleges provided to The Associated Press in response to public records requests. Eight schools did not provide data, while seven saw gains.
Some application deadlines fell before the election, but even Trump's campaign rhetoric cast doubts, experts say. Schools with no data did not respond to the AP's records request.
(asterisk)2017 data are preliminary and may increase
(asterisk)(asterisk)Because 2017 data were incomplete, university provided 2016 data from a comparable time frame
(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)Includes freshman applications only, not transfers.