Alaska restaurant owner fords swollen creek to deliver food order to stranded motorists

The owner of an Alaska restaurant did not let flood waters keep him from delivering a weekend order.

Anuson "Knott" Poolsawat of Knott's Take Out in North Pole forded a swollen creek to deliver Thai barbecue ribs and fried rice.

Mike Laiti (LEYE'-tee) and Brandon Borgens tell the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner ( that they were completing a multi-day drive Saturday night up the Alaska Highway when they called in their order to the restaurant, which was near closing.

They had to call back to say floodwaters had created a sinkhole on the Richardson Highway and closed access to the Clear Creek Bridge.

Poolsawat's response was to ask if he should bring a boat.

He drove more than 25 miles and waded through hip-deep creek water to complete the delivery.