7 Companies Committed to Having Women at the Top

Equal gender representation in top management is crucial for working women. In fact, a lack of female representation in management is a big reason why only less than 9% of women in the U.S. hold top management positions. It's also why the small number of women in high-level careers aren't staying in their positions.
That said, there are companies working to shift the status quo when it comes to female inclusiveness on executive teams.
Here are seven companies from InHerSight's database with at least 14 ratings and 4.0 or higher for female representation.
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Greenhouse Software
4.4 in female representation in top leadership | More ratings
This New York City-headquartered tech company houses about 200 employees. Of those, about 30% of the most senior-level positions are held by women. This includes jobs in the realms of marketing, design, customer success, talent acquisition, demand generation, legal, and some SDR team positions.
Earlier this year, InHerSight did a company spotlight on GreenHouse Software and talked to Content Marketing Manager Melissa Suzuno about its culture and opportunities for female employees. One takeaway from the Q&A is that the company makes sure its hiring and promotion of employees is fair.
For example, it discourages the wage gap between men and women by disallowing salary negotiations. Instead, the company uses market data to lead with strong and fair offerings to its employees.
Greenhouse also has a generous parental leave and perks program, which is based on extensive research about ways to meet the needs of employees, as well as the company itself.
InHerSight reviewers give the company a 4.4/5.0 in the "Female Representation in Top Leadership" category.
"Amazing place to work -- especially early in my professional career," one reviewer expresses. "There are so many strong female leaders for me to engage with and learn from, with plenty of opportunities to do so."
4.9 in female representation in top leadership | More ratings
Nearly half of the total 500 employees at this online events planning company are women. Eventbrite made it to Fortune's annual "100 Best Workplaces for Women" list last year, boasting that approximately 40% of management and executive positions are held by women.
This year, it's one of 50 companies on Glassdoor's list of the 50 "Best Small and Medium Companies to Work For."
According to Eventbrite's website, these accolades are the works of co-founder and CEO Julia Hartz, who in the past has appeared on Fortune's "40 Under 40" business leaders (2015) and "Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs" (2013) lists.
The company gets a 4.9/5.0-star rating in InHerSight's "Female Representation in Top Leadership" category.
One reviewer says the company's dedication to equality is seen in other levels as well:
Johnson & Johnson
4.0 in Female Representation in Top Leadership | More ratings
Johnson & Johnson advocates and encourages the success of women across all career levels, especially with its programs like the Women's Leadership Initiative.
Those programs are led by awesome women in top management like Beth McCombs, Catherine Owen, and Colleen Flesher. The trio won awards at this year's MAKERS@ program for their accomplishments in advocating for the professional advancement of fellow women workers.
In InHerSight's "Female Representation in Top Leadership" category reviewers give the company 4.0/5.0 stars.
Fidelity Investments
4.2 in Female Representation in Top Leadership | More ratings
This financial-services company takes female representation to a whole new level. It offers employees company culture programs like The Women's Leadership Group, which gives women at Fidelity opportunities to thrive in the domains of networking, leadership and volunteering through forums, mentoring and onboarding, events, and community outreach.
The leadership at Fidelity is committed to providing confidence-enriching opportunities for women who want to reach financial goals long-term. There's even an article in Fortune written by female executives at Fidelity discussing the reasons why today's women still don't manage their own money and why it's important to restore their confidence so that they can.
The article's co-author, President of Personal Investing Kathleen Murphy, has spoken at events -- like those held by the Financial Women's Association -- to address the issue.
Fidelity Investments has earned a 4.3/5.0-star rating on InHerSight, in the "Female Representation in Top Leadership" category.
Teach for America
4.0 in Female Representation in Top Leadership | More ratings
This education management organization is responsible for supporting and developing thousands of teachers and alumni throughout the U.S. And behind the scenes of it all is a sizable number of women employees making it all happen.
A post on NYCAN's blog notes a pattern of female inclusiveness over the organization's rich history. Over 50% of senior leaders at Teach for America are women, and in some key moments in the organization's existence, its leadership team has been more than three-quarters female.
InHerSight reviewers give the company a 4.1/5.0 for the "Female Representation in Top Leadership" category.
"Teach for America greatly supports all of their employees regardless of gender, something that I have found extremely unique in comparison with other companies I have worked for," one reviewer writes.
Bright Horizons
4.3 in Female Representation in Top Leadership | More ratings
Here's a child care and family solutions company that has spent years racking up accolades for empowering female workers. Bright Horizons ranked fifth on The Boston Globe Magazine and The Commonwealth Institute's list of the 2015 top 100 women-led businesses in Massachusetts, it's featured in Bentley University's Companies Where Women Thrive series, and, most recently, it made it to Great Place to Work's 2016 list of the best workplaces for women.
According to Bentley University, women comprise of nearly 70% of upper management and 56% of executives on the company's team. Also, 95% of more than 20,000 Bright Horizons employees worldwide are women.
Helen Zarba, Bright Horizons' VP of organizational development and learning services, tells Bentley that the company offers courses from its own Bright Horizons University to support employees. The 24/7 online and offline education platform has a collection of courses specifically focused in women's leadership training, focused specifically on effective communication and negotiation strategies.
Adding to that, Bright Horizons encourages female employees to attend the annual Massachusetts Conference for Women in Boston and covers the cost of tickets for the event every year.
In InHerSight's "Female Representation in Top Leadership" category, the company gets a 4.3/5.0-star rating from reviewers.
Katz Radio Group
4.4 in Female Representation in Top Leadership | More ratings
This results-driven radio campaign platform boasts that it has the largest reach of any radio representation company in America. According to its website, Katz Radio Group represents "every major radio group with more than 4,000 radio stations and thousands of digital platforms."
But its industry success isn't the only selling point for potential employees. The company is responsible for having some of the most influential women in radio work at its offices -- three of which made it to a Radio Ink compilation of the 100 most powerful examples of female leaders dominating the industry.
Katz's EVP of media strategy, Mary Beth Garber, has held a spot on the list for the past 15 years and sits on the executive board of global support initiative Mentoring and Influencing Women in Radio and on the advisory board for the Alliance for Women in Media's Southern California Affiliate.
Noteworthy female leaders like Garber are perhaps what drove InHerSight reviewers to give the company a 4.4/5.0 in the "Female Representation in Top Leadership" category. One anonymous rater states, "I believe the company has certainly been ahead of the times as far as women in the workplace and especially in management/leadership roles."
Do you work for a company that has an equal representation of genders in top management positions? Share your experience with us by rating your company on InHerSight!
Shannon Cuthrell is a contributing writer for InHerSight, whose mission is to improve the workplace for women by measuring it. She is a student journalist, published poet and lifelong writer, on track to dive into her career as a reporter after graduating Appalachian State University in December 2016. For more on women in the workplace follow InHerSight on Twitter or Facebook.
This article originally appeared at InHerSight.
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