Why Working From Home Could Hurt Your Career
Working from home today? It could have a serious effect on your career.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported the results of a new study that suggests employees who work from home or remotely may end up getting lower performance evaluations, smaller raises and fewer promotions than those who work at the office, even if they work just as hard.
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Professors Kimberly Elsbach of the University of California at Davis and Daniel Cable of London Business School looked at employee evaluations and the differences between employees who worked at the office and those who didn’t. They found that workers who are seen in the office and sitting at their desks during regular business hours are considered “responsible” and “dependable.”
Simply being at work causes your boss and co-workers to subconsciously think highly of you. There’s an added bonus if you put in longer hours at the office: Your evaluation is upgraded to “committed” and “dedicated.”
Working long hours at the office appears to be the best way to get higher pay and a promotion (well, along with these 11 tips from real-life bosses). But what if you have to work remotely?
There are ways The Journal recommends for people who work from home to present themselves as hardworking and committed employees. Sending emails early in the morning or late at night shows that you’re dedicated to your job no matter what the time. And networking while at the office pays off as well—getting lunch with other employees and organizing face-to-face meetings helps build strong connections.
What can we learn? Save those days working from home for when you really need them.