Sisters' Bond Grows a Business Plan
We’re highlighting small businesses from around the country as nominated by you, our readers. If your favorite small business is using Twitter to communicate with customers, let us know about it @fbsmallbiz with the hashtag #mysbc, and it may be featured as an upcoming Small Business of the Day.
Small Business of the Day: bittle-D
Who: Co-founders and sisters Danielle, 22, and Dorothy Cascerceri, 30, @bittleD
What: 100% organic cotton T-shirts
When: January 2010
How: The sisters were goofing off one day, when Danielle said a funny phrase to Dorothy, who responded with, "the things you say should be on a t-shirt."
"We ended up spending the whole day figuring out how we could actually make it happen," Danielle said. "We never really second-guessed it. We had an idea and made a game plan."
They each run the business as a side venture, while Danielle pursues her degree in public relations from Quinnipiac University and Dorothy works as an entertainment journalist. They also just signed a partnership with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to give 20% of proceeds to the charity after a special code is entered, in honor of their nephew, who has CF.
"It's important to us to bring fun designs and concepts to women, and do something for the greater good," Dorothy said.
Where: New York City
Biggest lesson learned from a customer: "It's important to remember that every customer acts differently," Danielle said. "Not everyone shops and thinks like we do. You need to get into the heads of those you want to buy and like your products."
To view more Small Businesses of the Day, click our interactive map.