Difficult vs. Impossible: Do You Know the Difference?
Last week business people of the Twitosphere were distracted by the election of a new pope, the end of SXSW and a few hopeful signs from the economy. Here’s the latest Tweets of the Week.
@TheRealBradLea When you tweet nothing of value, I am hereby naming it "twitter litter"...try to inspire, educate, entertain or say something worthwhile. ;)
@LeadToday Yes, it's difficult to overcome failure. But never forget, difficult and impossible are two entirely different things.
@ValaAfshar Do you ever quickly glance at someone's follower count and instantly dismiss their value? Don't.
@dancathy The difference between a fan and a raving fan is a story. Be "REMARK"able. Give people something to remember & share with others.
@Hyken Know what market you’re in to be competitive. Then, be fairly priced, offer great service and come up with the hook.
@smoothsale Work toward long term goals but tweak as needed to ensure success.
@alanlepo A neat trend that I'm noticing these days is that application developers provide a link to their @github profile instead of @LinkedIn.
@larrywinget To deal with criticism: don't. Rise above the approval of others.
@TheJoeGirard Listen to your customer. It's tough to walk away from someone who is listening to you.
@Leadershipfreak The more respect you earn the more your approval matters.
@LKulikowski Thank you @SamuelAdamsBeer for sending Irish soda bread to@TheStreet from @LuluSweetShoppe. An example of a great#smallbusiness
@joshfadem Wrote some really cool phone numbers, can anyone put me in touch w/ a lit agent who can help me get em published in the phonebook
@dubouchet Austin should just change its name to AustinFest, the first 100% Fest-Based economy in the U.S.
@YahooFinance #Dow keeps hitting all-time highs, and home prices rising, but many Americans do not feel any richer: http://yhoo.it/16rLfcu (via @CNNMoney)
@ezraklein Boom! Retail sales are way up. Maybe this economy is stronger than we thought.
@ShaneVictorino You can't make the highlight reel without first putting in the work. #WBC #TeamMana
@joshuatopolsky Austin is crackling with a youthful, electric energy. Or I'm being forcibly Tasered. Either way, it's a lot of fun.
@problogger if someone doesn't signup the first time they come to your blog why annoy them every time? Just show popups once
@ValaAfshar I often hear business leaders say "well that's what Steve Jobs did," <- advice to business leaders, you are *not* Steve Jobs
@captivelawyer It's looking more and more like France will become the next Italy/Greece/Portugal/Spain; yet another headache for the EU to deal with.
@SorensenJen Based on my experience at SXSW so far, I'm going to take a wild stab and say the future is digital.
@LeadToday A company's most successful employees are the ones that work for a leader, not a manager.
@jowyang Thought social was disruptive? The number of technologies hitting the market is only increasing. Most brands ill-equipped
@AmberCadabra Not only did I not join your mailing list, but your stupid popups wrecked my mobile experience and now I won't bother at all.
@ValaAfshar Smart people deliberately struggle... there is no safety in the status quo.
Gene Marks owns the Marks Group PC, a ten person sales and marketing technology consulting firm outside of Philadelphia that serves more than 600 small and medium companies around the country.