Clean Up Your Career, Pt. 3: Your Morning Ritual

We're all looking for ways to be more productive in our lives and careers. But before redesigning your workflows and task lists, it's a good idea to start at the very beginning: your morning.

Your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day and can have a big impact on your mood, effectiveness, and productivity. Us the three Rs to identify what's working for you and to help you make effective positive changes:




Review where you are by taking stock of your current routine. Recalibrate anything that's not currently working for you and that hinders you from being effective. Reclaim your control and set yourself back on your path to success, however you choose to define it.

Whether it's deciding to wake up earlier or figuring out tomorrow's outfit before going to bed, small tweaks can make big impacts.

This post was adapted from Atrium Staffing's blog.

Michele Mavi is Atrium Staffing's resident career expert.