NYC's oldest bowling alley, the Greenwich Village institution Bowlmor Lanes, closes its doors

New York City's oldest bowling alley has closed after 76 years.

Bowlmor Lanes in Greenwich Village closed Monday after the owner was not offered a new lease.

Notables including Lily Tomlin, Sarah Jessica Parker and former President Richard Nixon have bowled at Bowlmor Lanes. It has also hosted generations of children's birthday parties. The New York Times reports ( ) that Leonardo DiCaprio came in with cast members from "The Wolf of Wall Street."

Tom Shannon bought the bowling alley in 1997. He now owns an empire of more than 270 bowling establishments including two newer Manhattan outposts.

Shannon told the Times that the landlord plans to build condos at the site.

A spokesman for the landlord, William Macklowe Co., did not immediately return calls for comment.


Information from: The New York Times,