Important 2011 Tax Filing Deadlines

With the 2010 tax filing deadline safely behind us, I want to turn your attention to important tax-related deadlines for the remainder of the year. The most relevant dates for me are the estimated tax payment deadlines, though I've also requested filing extensions in the past.

March 15th, 2011 - This was the deadline for corporate tax returns (Forms 1120, 1120A, or 1120S) unless you requested a six month extension (see September 15th, below).

April 18th, 2011 - Not only were your taxes due on this date (unless you requested a six month extension; see October 17th, below), but this was also the deadline for you 1st quarterly installment of estimated taxes (assuming that you are making estimated payments). This was also the deadline for estate income tax, trust income tax, or partnership tax returns though you were allowed to request a five month extension (see September 15th, below).

June 15th, 2011 - Deadline for 2nd quarterly installment of estimated taxes. This is also the deadline for US citizens living abroad to file their individual tax returns for 2010 (though you can request a four month extension).

June 30th, 2011 - Deadline for filing your Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts if you have over $10k (in total) in foreign bank accounts.

September 15th, 2011 - Deadline for 3rd quarterly installment of estimated taxes. This is also the deadline for filing corporate tax returns if you requested an extension back in March.

This is also the deadline to file estate income tax, trust income tax, or partnership tax returns if you requested an extension back in April.

October 3rd, 2011 - Final deadline for self-employed individuals to establish a SIMPLE IRA for 2011.

October 17th, 2011 - Final income tax filing deadline for those who requested a six month extension back in April. This is also the deadline for funding a SEP-IRA or Solo 401(k) for 2010 if you requested an extension.

December 31st, 2011 - Last day to set up a Solo 401(k) for 2011 (assuming that you are self-employed).

January 15th, 2012 - Deadline for 4th quarterly installment of estimated taxes*.

The original article can be found at 2011 Tax Filing Deadlines

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