Are You Addicted to Work? [Infographic]

Thanks in part to a booming tech industry composed largely of scrappy young startups making big things happen, entrepreneurs hold a privileged place in U.S. society. And while there's nothing wrong with a little healthy respect for people who have worked hard to chase their dreams and achieve there goals, there is a downside to all this pro-entrepreneur discourse: As more and more people try to model their lives after the Steve Jobses and Elon Musks of the world, some of them are getting a little too into their work.

Workaholism may not sound like a terrible affliction, but it can lead to strained personal relationships, increased levels of stress, and, ultimately, negative mental and physical health repercussions.

Funding company The Business Backer recently put together a new infographic that can help you determine whether or not you're at risk of becoming addicted to work. The infographic also offers five strategies for breaking the habit, in case you need them. Check it out below: