Need a New Challenge? Consider Becoming an 'Expat-preneur" [Infographic]

You're bored at work. You're unfulfilled in life. You need something more – a bigger risk with a bigger payoff, a more invigorating challenge.

If that sounds like you, you may want to consider going the way of the "expat-preneur."

An expat-preneuer is a person who decides to move abroad in order to find their next opportunity in life. Sure, it may seem like an unnecessarily huge step – couldn't you just find a new job at home? Maybe just move to a new city? – but for the expat-preneur, it's the only step that make sense.

Want to know more about these brave souls? Think that maybe you'd like to follow in their footsteps? Check out this new infographic from insurance company Aetna for more information about who the expat-preneurs are and why they're so eager to cross national borders: