CHARLES PAYNE: Reparations would be a curse more than a blessing

FOX Business' Charles Payne gives a powerful explanation on why reparations could leave a legacy of pain for Black Americans

FOX Business host Charles Payne explains why he is against reparations on "Making Money." 

CHARLES PAYNE: So, with all this talk about reparations heating up in California, I think it's a good time to talk about the blessing and a curse of cash falling into your lap. We're talking unearned cash that, by the way, has in my mind, done more harm to people over history than it has to help them. Now, if that cash or assets were seized from someone else, certainly there's going to be a trail of pain and potential retribution.  


As far as reparations are concerned, I think they would be a mistake for a lot of reasons, including the fact it would be a curse more than a blessing, just like the stimulus money in the last couple of years. Right? We're starting to run out of that cash and, you know, there wasn't proper financial knowledge. People didn't know how to use it, how to invest it. They know how to spend it. Same thing. People ultimately end up with more debt and more misery.