7 Best Student Loan Refinance Rates of 2024

Compare student loan refinance rates to find your best offer and potentially save money on your student loans.

By Rebecca Safier
Rebecca Safier

Written by

Rebecca Safier


Rebecca Safier is a finance expert on student loans, personal loans and education. Her byline has been featured by Forbes Advisor, CNN Underscored and U.S. News & World Report.

Updated April 18, 2024, 6:28 PM EDT

Edited by Renee Fleck
Renee Fleck

Written by

Renee Fleck


Renee Fleck has spent more than six years covering personal finance and is an expert on student loans and refinancing.


Fox Money is a personal finance hub featuring content generated by Credible Operations, Inc. (Credible), which is majority-owned indirectly by Fox Corporation. The Fox Money content is created and reviewed independent of Fox News Media. Credible is solely responsible for this content and the services it provides.

Refinancing student loans can get you a better interest rate, potentially resulting in major savings over the life of your loan. You'll also get the chance to choose new repayment terms and adjust your monthly loan payments to fit your budget.

To refinance student loans, you'll generally need a credit score in the high 600s (at the very minimum) and proof of steady income. If you don't have either, you may be able to qualify for a refinance loan by bringing on a creditworthy cosigner.

Before choosing a lender, compare the best student loan refinance rates and make sure refinancing is right for you.

Compare student loan refinance rates

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