Job-Hunting Tips While Still on the Job

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, news sites, gossip sites … there’s plenty out there on the web to distract employees from doing their jobs.

But recent data from, and indicates that some workers are doing more than procrastinating during the workday; they’re searching for other jobs.

Bloomberg Businessweek reports that site traffic at SimplyHired and Indeed peaks on Monday morning around 11 a.m., and the IP addresses of the computers used indicate that they are office computers. A survey by the management firm Right Management confirmed this fact: 74% of workers admitted to searching job sites during their workdays.

We’d like to offer a few dos and don’t when it comes to job-hunting while you’re still employed.


  • Do your work when you’re at work. They are still paying you, you know.
  • Focus on networking with your coworkers and superiors while you’re still there. You never know when you’ll need a great recommendation.


  • Use your work computer to search for jobs on company time. Besides being unprofessional, your search history may be tracked and you could get caught.
  • Use your smartphone to search for jobs at the office, either. Being disengaged and distracted at work could lead to your dismissal before you find something else.

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